Muslims & Jews: Working Towards Peace

Jews and Muslims have to come together. As uncomfortable as it may seem, we need to see above and see beyond it.

Focusing too much on the Muslim-Jew conflict we have been lost in the fact that both Jews and Muslims have a great deal in common if we look at their respective histories. What this suggests is that someone has to take a central role in the peace process between Jews and Muslims as for years politicians on both sides have argued only on where to draw borders but not on how to bring us closer to peace.

We are in a pursuit of peaceful resolutions to ethnic and religious conflict between Muslims and Jews. Our purpose is to convince some Muslims to be open to empathizing with the Jewish perspective and visa versa. Only then a dialogue is possible that is critical to understanding, respecting and teaching one another.

Some of our objects are outlined below:

  • To bring together important representatives and young Muslim & Jewish leaders on one platform
  • To work actively towards creating tolerance for other communities and faith
  • Work to evoke curiosity and deepen interest for intercultural communication and interfaith issues in Muslim-Jewish relations
  • To urge a focus on commonalities instead of the differences in Muslim-Jew relations
  • To expand our visibility and extend our vibrant network of intercultural communication and dialogue in order to move closer to our goal of becoming a global think tank for Muslim-Jewish interests
  • To work towards promoting peace and harmony and making this world a better place to live in
  • To promote social entrepreneurial interfaith ventures to bring the two communities together in a healthy relationship through social development

We plan to implement the above objectives by bringing together the important and the common people of both the communities and promote mutual dialogue and constructive activities.

Perhaps through our combined efforts and determination to break down the barriers of ethnicity and religion that often divide us, Jews and Muslims can address the real issues between them so that a new relationship emerges. Taking this common goal forward, our mandate is to make real change around the world in local communities and across national boundaries.

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